
November 19, 2011

Tips For a Healthier Holiday

Most people stress about weight gain over the holidays.  The average weight gain is only about one pound (although those already overweight gain an average of five pounds), but over the years that pound can add up.   Below are some strategies to help avoid even one pound:

1. If you are not hosting ask what you can bring.  You can make sure there will be one healthy choice at the meal.
2. Make activity part of the fun.  Sign up for a local Turkey Trot.  You can walk or run a race in a festive atmosphere.  Get the group outside for a game of touch football
3. Do not starve yourself before the party.  Eat a little first, and you will be less likely to gorge.
4. Arrive fashionably late.  You may miss the appetizers.
5. Watch the liquids.  Sauces and drinks, with and without alcohol pack on calories.
6. Use just one plate (instead of a salad and bread plate), and do not go back for seconds.
7. Eat slowly.  You will be more attuned to when you are full.
8. Make some painless substitutions to save calories:
    Eat the white meat with no skin.
    Eat a whole sweet potato instead of a casserole.
    Choose salad or steamed vegetables over a casserole.
    Choose pumpkin pie instead of apple or pecan.
9. Socialize more.  You will eat less.

The good news is you can still enjoy yourself.  You need to eat an extra 3,500 calories to put on one pound.  You can indulge a bit without going near that amount.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

(Check out the post from Nov. 23, 2010 for other tips.)

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