I am posting this on the blog with hopes you will add this
link to your Facebook page, and that you will forward it to any fitness
professionals you know. Next week I will
resume my usual posts. Thanks for your
To all fitness professionals:
For those of you lucky enough to work in the fitness
industry, I ask that you start to question about where the industry is going. I know research backs the effectiveness of
metabolic/interval/HIIT/boot camp type training programs. I have read the studies promoting the
effectiveness of HIIT for even deconditioned people, and yet I ask if this is
the path the fitness industry should take.
Look at any of the brochures for fitness conferences and you
will see at least a three to one ratio of hard core type classes compared to
those designed for the less fit.
Certainly a few sedentary people may brave (and succeed at) high
intensity classes, but, we are preaching to the converted. Most of those who love these high intensity
workouts do not need us. They would work
out on their own. We are missing the
huge inactive population, and I believe, turning them off. High intensity may be effective, but it is
not going to draw the sedentary into fitness.
The beauty of HIIT may be that you can achieve better results in less
time, but many in the industry seem to promote it as an excuse to workout
harder and harder.
If you are only out to make money then you may not care whether
we reach the inactive. However, most of
us got into fitness because we love it and want to share it with and help
others. We cannot reach the majority by
training the minority. I am not saying
to give up on HIIT or on training the fit. However, we do not need to spend so
much of our time finding new ways to make exercises harder and more complex. The
inactive make up the majority of our population. If we work together to find a way to reach
them, we will have more clients and have made a real contribution to the health
of our nation.